Pakistan, a country nestled in South Asia, is a land of extraordinary contrasts and natural wealth. From fertile plains to soaring mountains, and from deserts to...
The Sarpo Laggo Glacier is a remote and relatively less-known glacier located in the Karakoram range, which is part of the greater Himalayas. Nestled in the...
Pakistan Navy Day is observed annually on September 8th to commemorate the vital role of the Pakistan Navy during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. The day...
Fariyal Mir
PAF Day, observed on 7th September each year, is a day of national pride and reverence in Pakistan, dedicated to celebrating the valor and sacrifices of...
Twentieth death anniversary of eminent writer, playwright and broadcaster Ashfaq Ahmad is being observed today. Ashfaq Ahmad wrote dozens of TV dramas and hosted famous programmes...
Squadron Leader Sarfaraz Ahmed Rafiqui, an iconic figure in the history of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF), is remembered for his exceptional bravery, leadership, and ultimate...
The Rupal Glacier is a breathtaking and formidable glacier located in the Rupal Valley, in the Astore District of Pakistan’s Gilgit-Baltistan region. This massive ice flow...
Major Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed, a legendary figure in the history of Pakistan’s military, is revered for his exceptional bravery and selfless service during the Indo-Pakistani...
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