Squadron Leader Sarfaraz Ahmed Rafiqui, an iconic figure in the history of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF), is remembered for his exceptional bravery, leadership, and ultimate...
The Rupal Glacier is a breathtaking and formidable glacier located in the Rupal Valley, in the Astore District of Pakistan’s Gilgit-Baltistan region. This massive ice flow...
Major Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed, a legendary figure in the history of Pakistan’s military, is revered for his exceptional bravery and selfless service during the Indo-Pakistani...
The Battle of Chawinda, one of the largest tank battles since World War II, is a significant chapter in the history of the 1965 Indo-Pak War....
Fariyal Mir
Fariyal Mir
Fariyal Mir
Fariyal Mir
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