Nestled high in the northern reaches of Pakistan, the Deosai Plains stand as one of the most awe-inspiring and untamed landscapes on Earth. Known as the...
Fariyal Mir
The Udren Glacier, nestled in the heart of the Chitral region in Pakistan, is a pristine natural wonder that remains relatively unknown to the broader public....
The Barum Glacier is one of the most stunning yet relatively less known glaciers located in the Chitral District of Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Nestled within...
Pakistan is home to some of the most revered and historically significant sacred sites of the Sikh community. These places hold deep religious and cultural importance...
Nestled in the remote valleys of Chitral District in northern Pakistan, the Roshgol Glacier is a lesser-known yet significant glacier in the Hindu Kush mountain range....
Nestled in the northern reaches of Pakistan, the Tirich Mir Glacier is one of the most significant and majestic glaciers in the Hindu Kush mountain range....
The graceful Al-Biruni was born in 937 in a small village of Khwarizm. He was a great traveler along with being a leading figure in the...
Bananas contain three natural sugars – sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has...
Pakistan, a country nestled in South Asia, is a land of extraordinary contrasts and natural wealth. From fertile plains to soaring mountains, and from deserts to...