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Dr. Muhammad Asif Ayub



CPEC is destined to bring huge educational benefits for the youth of Pakistan. CPEC is making ways for development of educational excellence under Pak-China educational cooperation. With numerous university collaborations, establishment of research think tanks, it is promoting opportunities for studying abroad not only for Pakistani students but also for Chinese students.

Different Pakistani universities signed MOUs with Chinese universities. The collaborations will provide way for further linkages and intellectual exchange of faculty and students. This economic interdependence is the stepping stone for faculty exchange, training, and thus up-gradation of Pakistani academia. Several research collaborations are being made by Pakistani and Chinese research scholars. For Pakistani students it will fulfill the dreams of Pakistani students to study abroad. Here, it is worth discussing that China not only generously gives acceptance to Pakistani students on priority basis and it also enables them with research trainings and offers huge scholarships.

Pakistani students are being kept at high priority when considering admissions in Chinese universities which lead to a huge number of Pakistani students, including young girls are studying and living in Chinese universities pursuing studies up to doctorate degrees. This will increase the literacy rate of Pakistani youths, their employment in the local as well as the multinational organizations. Thus, giving benefit to Pakistani youth in the long run.

It is also commendable that China is safe and peaceful for Pakistani students as compared to other countries. Regarding our social and cultural values, it too has a unique, strong and Asian family system, which can be easily observed in their public behavior. Most of the youth get married at early twenties, have perfect families, study and work round the clock. The nation has a unique tireless behavior towards their national growth. Everyone seems to be playing his/her role for the uplifting of their national image.

There is no gender disparity, women and men work hard on equal basis and many of the businesses are being run by females in their houses and small industrial units at their homes. This behavior will also empower the Pakistani youth and especially Pakistani women to also get higher education, get good jobs, do businesses, seek financial independence, empower themselves, empower their families and ultimately empower the national image of Pakistan. The developed nations like Japan, Germany, have women who are equally educated to men and contribute to national uplift and prosperity of their countries. China thus will also bring a change of national behavior towards the education of all segments of life.

Under CPEC the most important intellectual exchange will be brought about under research and development in science and technology. Pakistan lacks behind the participation of its youth in this specific position. This is going to be very important soon in terms of security and seeking information of the world outside of this globe. With so much advancement in the drone technology, there is also an urgency of establishing the departments of information technology on the pattern of Chinese universities, who have achieved the height of information technology in military technology, drone technology, stealth technology, and now have set eyes over the space technology. Similarly, the departments of biotechnology and medical research also need special assistance. Thus, CPEC is a complete package for participation and development in multiple sectors for the Pakistani youth and for the future generations. It completely depends on the potential of Pakistan government in discovering those new arenas of growth, and the related ministries, academia, students and all stakeholders to get maximum profits of CPEC’s second phase.


Chinese company MRDL fully supports local youth education in #Balochistan




Chinese company MRDL fully supports local youth education. MRDL has been fully financing the Saindak Model School in #Balochistan, the most sparsely-populated province in Pakistan, bearing all expenses on textbooks, staff salary and equipment.

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Standard Education would be the key to change our Mindset and System

Fariyal Mir




There is a standard of everything and it has the power of attraction and fascination. Most of the time people associate the word standard with life “standard life” and each of them define it according to their approaches. Standard life might be the name of having a good job, a well-furnished house, an accelerating car, servants, meet-ups at expensive points, wearing and eating brands, and walking with human brands. Such standard life is the game of money. The other standard can be of education.

The standard of education is a bit different from the standard of life. But it is the key to have a standard lifestyle. We cannot confine the definition of standard education in one line, or paragraph even on a page. I would like to give my opinion about standard education. For me, standard education is to have well-trained facilitators, good infrastructure, equipped labs, learning environment with advanced technology. There should be a facilitator in learning institutes instead of teachers. And for better learning students should be the center, not the teaching. If the learning would be student-centered then they can learn more and with enjoyment. This sort of education system can help us to educate the nation in true sense and can change the mindset and system as well.

The traditional education system cannot work in this era and we cannot compete with the world. In Pakistan, we have an education system but it needs reforms. The private education system meets with the standard whereas the actual education system is far beyond. Every individual cannot effort private education hence it is necessary and urgent to provide one standard system of education. The government aims to bring reforms to the system and it is really good news for the whole nation. Because education is the only solution to all the problems. The education department of Pakistan is working on the curriculum and will implement the One Nation One Curriculum for the nation (Aik Qaum) . It is good to hear that the Balochistan government announces the establishment of 100 middle schools. And I would like to request Balochistan Govt not to just establish schools but with the standard education system.   If you have a standard education system then you have everything.

The children who are in the playgroup today are going to be the leaders of tomorrow. And it is well said that today’s readers are tomorrow’s leaders. So, train the readers to make them the leaders. Follow one curriculum, maintain one standard and be one nation (Aik Qaum).

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Some of the renowned Pakistani-English Poets

Fariyal Mir




Pakistan is the land of talented and intellectual people. It has given birth to talent in every field. The people of Pakistan are good artists, who can produce art of any kind. They have a grip over musicology, they are the best actors, they produce living pictures, and their architecture is depicted in their construction. These people are high in intellect as they have contributed to the different fields of study. They are the sculptors and producing amazing items from mud. They are no less than anyone in the ground of sports. The brave people are the top-level mountaineers. They are never behind in the field of studies. The spontaneity of their writing skills is outstanding. They do not just write in their language but also have earned a name in multi-languages. And their written pieces are full of knowledge and power.

A good number of Pakistani writers have proved themselves as the best writers in the English language as well. They have disseminated their visionary thoughts to the world through different genres. There are many good poets, novelists, researchers, and essayists. But today we will talk about some of the prominent Pakistani-English poets.

  1. Taufiq Rafat

The influential Taufiq Rafat was born in 1927 and passed away in 1998. He is known to be the father of Pakistani Idioms which he translated into English. He has written Urdu books as well. But his contribution to Pakistani English literature is appreciable. His ‘Collection of poems’ and ‘Arrival of the monsoon’ were published in 1985. He has translated the verses of Bulleh Shah and Qadiryar Puran into the English language.

  • Daud Kamal

The multi-stakeholder Daud Kamal was the child of Abbottabad who lived from 1934 to 1987. He has served the University of Peshawar (English department) as a teacher and chairman for 29 years. He is also known to be the founder of Jinnah College for Women. Above all, he was influenced by modernist English writers like Ezra Pound, W.B Yeats, and T.S Eliot. He has written four English books which are Remote Beginnings, Compass of love and other poems, Recognitions, and Before the Carnations Wither. He has translated some selected Urdu poems of Faiz Ahmad Faiz.

  • Alamgir Hashmi

The multi-talented Alamgir Hashmi was born in 1951 in Lahore. He has received his education from the same city. He is a great living name among the Pakistani English writers. Hashmi is famous for his being a poet but he has been a professor of English and comparative literature, and editor of literary and scholarly journals, a scholar-critic, a broadcaster, a translator, long lapsed lay minstrel, and a weekend canoeist. He has contributed to literary criticism and different other scholarly editions. His most famous poems are; The Oath and Amen. (Philadelphia, Dorrance 1976), America Is a Punjabi Word. (Lahore, Karakorum Range, 1979), An Old Chair. (Bristol, Xenia Press, 1979), My Second in Kentucky (Lahore, Vision Press, 1981), This Time in Lahore (Lahore, Vision Press, 1983), Neither This Time/Nor That Place (Lahore, Vision Press, 1984), Inland and Other Poems (Islamabad, Gulmohar Press, 1984), The Poems of Alamgir Hashmi (Islamabad, National Book Foundation, 1992), Sun and Moon and Other Poems (Islamabad, Indus Books, 1992), A Choice of Hashmi’s Verse (Karachi and New York, Oxford University Press, 1997).

We are grateful to all the intellects who have presented us in front of the world with the help of the English medium.

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