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You can farm health for Yourself

Fariyal Mir



The title might surprise you but there is nothing to be surprised about. It is about the benefits of vegetables that you can farm even in pots. All the vegetables are beneficial for health. Today here I am sharing a researched-based study with you about the nutrition facts and health benefits of Broccoli Rabe.

Broccoli Rabe Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Broccoli rabe (also known as rapini, broccoli raab, or broccoli de rape) is a leafy, cruciferous vegetable. Contrary to the name, broccoli rabe is not in the broccoli family along with broccolini. Instead, it is part of the Brassica family and more closely related to turnips, though it is often cooked like leafy greens.

This vegetable looks like it has long broccoli stalks with spinach leads and small, broccoli-like florets at the top. The stems, leaves, and florets are all edible, and this vegetable is nutritious, easy to cook, and associated with many health benefits.

Broccoli rabe has a very bitter flavor when eaten raw so cooking and flavoring it is recommended. Broccoli rabe is frequently stir-fried in the Asian world. Later it became commonly used in Italian cooking where it is mixed with pasta, though it also makes for an excellent side dish when you want to add some greens to your plate.

Broccoli Rabe Nutrition Facts

The nutritional content of broccoli rabe depends on whether it is raw or cooked as well as the serving size. The following nutrition information is provided by the USDA for 1 cup (40g) of raw, chopped broccoli rabe.1

Calories: 37
Fat: 0.19g
Sodium: 13.2mg
Carbohydrates: 1.14g
Fiber: 1.08g
Sugars: 0.15g
Protein: 1.27g

Health Benefits

Moreover, the nutritional profile of broccoli rabe contributes to its many health benefits.

  • Lower Neural Tube Defects Risk

Folate and the synthetic version, folic acid prevents neural tube defects, birth defects of the brain, spine, and spinal cord. The folate content in broccoli rabe may help prevent neural tube defects at the cellular level. In one cup of broccoli rabe, there is about 8% of the recommended daily intake of folate. The CDC recommends that women who may become pregnant should consume a folate-rich diet and consider supplementation of this important nutrient.

  • Improve Cognitive Function

Broccoli rabe is an excellent source of vitamin K. One cup of broccoli rabe, contains about 75% of vitamin K.  A 2020 study involving 320 men and women aged 70 to 85 years of age has shown that adequate vitamin k status has a positive correlation with cognitive function in healthy older adults. A good intake of vitamin K improves heart health and that of bones.

  • Reduce Risk of Cancer

Broccoli rabe is one of many Brassica vegetables. Research has shown that Brassica vegetables, including rapini broccoli, contain phenolic compounds that can act as antioxidants. Since antioxidants have proven benefits related to reduced risk of cancer and protection against free radicals, consuming antioxidant-rich vegetables has many health benefits.

  • Promote Weight Loss

Broccoli rabe is naturally lower in calories, fat, and carbs. It is also suitable for a variety of diets, including vegan, gluten-free, and keto diets. People with various health goals can incorporate broccoli rabe as part of their lifestyle, including people who want to lose weight in a sustainable, healthy way.


Hence this study proves that organic foods are full of nutrients and are the best ones for health. As “Health is Wealth” is the best proverb. So try to farm vegetables for yourself. It has again multiple benefits. For instance, the vegetation of vegetables allows to interact with nature, secondly, it is the best exercise and thirdly it can save your earning.

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Pakistan produced an incredible variety of ‘King of Fruits’

Fariyal Mir



The fertile land of Pakistan produces an extensive number of Mangoes which is better called as ‘King of Fruit’. Pakistan exports Mangoes from corner to corner of the world. Mangoes are not just nationwide but worldwide favorite fruits. This tasty and nutritional fruit reaches the market in May and disappears till the last of September. Though Mangoes are grown in more than 90 nation-states yet Pakistan stands as the fourth number in the production of Mangoes. Moreover presently Pakistan produces more than 1.5 million tons of mangoes about which more than 5% is exported.

Surprisingly, there are more than 1200 kinds of mangoes in Pakistan but we know a few of them. Whereas, around 30 to 35 kinds of mangoes are produced on a profitable scale. Mangoes are the most awaited fruits and people wait passionately for summer to have the taste of the ‘King of Fruits’.

As I have mentioned that there is an abundant number of mangoes kind but here we will discuss a few of them. Some of the most famous and tasty variety of mangoes are given below:


This variety of mango is highly produced in Sindh. It is oval in shape, large in size, and lemon yellow. It tastes sweet and smells pleasant.



Chaunsa is the best variety of mango produced by Pakistan. It is the most mouth-watering type of mango which is delightful and full of juice. It also contains merely the smallest of fiber. This variety is out in the market in the summer.



This variety of mango is the unique one. It is assumed to be a creamy mango with a small red color. It has an asymmetrical figure with moderately fixed skin.  

Lal Badshah


Anwar Ratol is another mouthwatering variety of mangoes that arrives on the market from July to August. This kind of mango is best for making ice cream.

Anwar Ratol


This variety of mango is oval in shape dark green in color until ripens. It is full of juice with heavy paste. This delicious variety comes around July and goes back till August.



This variety of mango is highly demanded in Europe in addition to Canada. Because it is a fibreless kind of fruit with fatty flesh. It is a little oval in shape and yellowish-brown in color. This kind remains in the market for two months.


We are blessed with a land that can produce this much variety of mango fruits. So that we are always grateful to the Almighty. The only thing is we need to take good care of this land and we have to value its production.  

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Health is in Food and Foods are in Hunza Valley

Fariyal Mir




Almighty has produced the best of His art in this universe and has portrayed the view of Jannat-ul-Firdous in the Holy Quran. He has not just portrayed it in the Quran but He has produced it in real for us as well. Man has developed too much and has produced many things but he can never compete with the art of God and His standard of creation. Hunza valley is one of His best art the place where one can visualize the imagery picture of Jannat. The greenery and the sounds of the waterfalls are the real visionaries and the soothing effect cannot be produced artificially. Hunza is not just the place of beauty yet it is the hub of different kind of traditional foods which are all mouthwatering. These foods are not just to end your appetite but also provide full nutrients and health. Let’s enjoy some of the food of Hunza Valley.

  1. Go-Lee:

Go-Lee is thin, rounded shape, soft Pulka which is mostly taken in breakfast. This is a mixture of egg, flour and water which are mixed and are fried in a small amount of oil. One can enjoy the Go-Lee anytime with a cup of tea.

Go-Lee is thin, rounded shape, soft Pulka which is mostly taken in breakfast. This is a mixture of egg, flour and water which are mixed and are fried in a small amount of oil. One can enjoy the Go-Lee anytime with a cup of tea.

  • Harissa 

Harissa is one of the tastiest dish for all age and gender. It is a very healthy food item which is prepared with much dedication. It is a time taking dish in preparation and is prepared with meat, rice, wheat and green Lintel. Mostly it is presented in wedding ceremonies.

  • Chapshuro

This item is like sandwich and the layer inside it is composed of chopped meat (beef, mutton or chicken) with onion, red chili, tomato, coriander and black pepper. You can take this item in the evening or afternoon. Just taste it, each bite will thrill you out.

  • Diram Fitti

Hard work needs energy and energy comes from healthy eating and Diram Fitti can give you that energy. This item is made up of sprouted wheat flour and is prepared almost in 5-6 hours. It is served with butter oil or walnut oil.

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Ensure your happiness with the intake of Fruits and Vegetables along with daily Exercise



Fruits and Vegetables are organic items that are full of nutrients. These are good for health and maintain nutritional balance. Research says that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can lower inflammation and related depression symptoms. Whereas exercise can increase the release of feel-good hormones like serotonin.

Researchers found that eating healthy foods along with exercising regularly gave people a boost in happiness and life satisfaction. Some of this boost in mood may be directly related to delayed gratification.

How Eating a Better Diet Can Keep You Healthy

About the Study

This research is UK-based in which the researchers have looked at data of about 40,000 households that is a long-term study called Understanding Society. The UK Household Longitudinal Study. This study collects information about people’s social and economic circumstances, attitudes, lifestyle habits, health changes, family relationships, and employment.

The researchers found a strong association between these lifestyle factors and better mood by focusing on diet and activity. The lead researcher Adelina Gshwandtner says that although one possibility for this might be that happy people tend to take better care of themselves.

 The Basics of a Healthy, Balanced Diet

Long-Term View

Although healthy dietary choices and consistent exercise provide ample benefits in terms of physical function, the suggested mechanism in the recent study is actually psychological, says Gschwandtner. It is all about delayed gratification. Being able to delay gratification helps you have a better lifestyle, and this better lifestyle makes you happier.


Those who undertake these types of behaviors are successful in maintaining them if they have a long-term perspective rather than one that’s reliant on short-term benefits. That kind of emotional investment seems to pay off over the long run.

As she says: “Being able to delay gratification helps you have a better lifestyle, and this better lifestyle makes you happier.”

Gschwandtner adds that there was some variation in terms of results between men and women. The latter tended to eat more fruits and vegetables, while the former did more exercise. But those differences were not enough to skew happiness levels toward one gender over the other.

“This benefits everyone and can reduce the burden of ill health that comes from lifestyle diseases,” she says.

 Here’s How to Get More Fruits and Vegetables into Your Diet

Prevention Strategy

The recent study adds to ample evidence that healthy eating and physical activity can not only help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety but may also prevent them in the first place.

Having the perspective of seeing activity as a source of joy may help many people take steps toward including it in their lives.


For example, a research review in Current Sports Medicine Reports looked at 49 studies encompassing nearly 267,000 participants and found people who maintained an exercise routine showed decreased onset of depression, and these results were consistent across numerous countries, as well as among people of all ages, from children to seniors.

This study, and others like it, suggest physical activity can be a useful strategy not just for treating depression, but also for reducing prevalence in the first place, according to study co-author Felipe Barreto Schuch, Ph.D., in the department of sports techniques at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria in Brazil.

“Unfortunately, thinking of exercise as a prevention or treatment option isn’t considered a high priority in many cultures,” he says. “That may be because there is still the perception of this as a chore, which can cause resistance and low motivation. Having the perspective of seeing activity as a source of joy may help many people take steps toward including it in their lives.”

 The Best Exercises for When You’re Feeling Sad

Physical Pivot

In addition to psychological shifts like embracing delayed gratification and long-term happiness. It is well established that exercise can create physical changes that support those mood effects. For instance, Schuch says depression is often associated with loss of neurons in the brain, and exercise may help prevent this.

Consumption of fruits and vegetables also gives a significant boost to the body and brain. A study in Social Science & Medicine titled “Lettuce Be Happy” found that eating just one extra portion of these foods per day could provide as much of a mental well-being shift as walking an extra 7-8 days a month.

So, prefer to eat fruits and vegetables and do exercise on daily basis. Fill each moment with good health, happiness, and satisfaction.

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