“The Remarkable Transformation: Discover What Occurs When You Consistently Drink 8 Glasses of Water Daily”
1 year agoon

Everyone knows the rule of thumb to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but what does this magic number 8 really do for your body? The body is made up of 60% water and the blood is composed of 90%, so there’s no doubt that water is a vital nutrient.
Drinking enough water is critical to your health and plays a role in almost all body systems. While 8 glasses of water is a general guideline and actual water recommendations are individualized, it is an easy-to-remember number to gauge your fluid intake. A registered dietitian explains what happens to your body when you drink 8 glasses of water every day.
The Significance of 8 Glasses
It is unclear exactly where the 8 glasses of water per day guideline originated. One theory explains that it is based on 1ml of fluid per calorie of food consumed. So for an individual eating a standardized 2,000-calorie diet, that would be 2,000 milliliters of fluid or about eight 8-ounce glasses. Similar to how calorie goals differ for everyone, this general guideline may be too much water for some and not enough for others.
According to Chelsea Newbrough, RDN, “requirements may be higher or lower depending on your sex, activity levels, age, environment, and medications”. Plus, plain water is not the only substance that supplies your body with hydration. You can get fluid from other sources, such as fruits and vegetables, other beverages, and even soup. Staying hydrated is extremely important so it is necessary to follow your thirst and find your individual fluid needs.
Benefits of Drinking 8 Glasses of Water Every Day
There are many benefits to drinking enough water and dehydration can contribute to fatigue, headache, and impaired mood.1 According to Jennifer Fiske, MS, RDN, LD, “I recommend half an adult’s body weight in ounces as the minimum total fluid intake per day. Most of the beverages consumed to meet this goal should be non-caloric, ideally water”. Staying adequately hydrated keeps all body systems functioning optimally including enhancing physical performance, keeping skin hydrated, and maintaining regular dehydration. Here’s more on these benefits.
Maintains Fluid Balance
You can think about water as a nutrient that your body needs that is present in both liquids and foods. Fluid is lost every day through skin evaporation, breathing, urine, and sweat, so these losses need to be replaced. When your fluid intake does not equal your output, you can become dehydrated. Drinking enough water throughout the day helps to maintain this balance of input and output.
When your body needs more fluids, it triggers the thirst mechanism in the brain to give you the cue to drink. As we age, our sense of thirst does diminish, so dehydration is common in the elderly population. Certain medications can also interfere with this mechanism so it is important to be mindful of your fluid intake.2
May Enhance Physical Performance
Hydration is imperative to exercise, as it plays an important role in performance, injury prevention, and recovery.3 Muscle cells that don’t receive enough fluid and electrolytes can result in muscle fatigue and cramping. Research shows that dehydration during physical activity can have a negative effect on strength and power.3 It is also important to consider drinking early and often throughout a workout to replace fluid lost through sweating.
Keeps Skin Hydrated
Your skin is made up of a large proportion of water so you can bet that water intake is key to affecting how your skin looks and feels. Skin also functions as a protective barrier against excess fluid loss. While adequate hydration is important for skin health, drinking excess water won’t erase any blemishes or wrinkles. But drinking enough water will make your skin look healthier and less dry.4
Maintains Healthy Kidney Function
As your body’s waste filtration system, the kidneys do an excellent job of transporting waste products in and out of cells. Adequate hydration makes this system work smoothly and efficiently. When you are drinking enough fluids, your urine is light in color and flows without any problems. If you are chronically dehydrated, your urine is likely darker in color and more concentrated because your kidneys need to trap the extra fluid for bodily functions. Over time, this can put you at risk for complications, such as kidney stones.5
Decreases Risk of Constipation
Adequate hydration prevents constipation. When you are dehydrated, the colon takes water from your digestive tract to maintain hydration, resulting in constipation. Many people know that increasing fiber helps relieve constipation, but increasing water intake at the same time will be more effective. The fluid helps the fiber bulk up stool to keep your bowel functioning properly.6
Risks and Considerations
While drinking water and staying adequately hydrated is necessary to all bodily functions, certain populations may need to be more conscious about drinking more or less depending on their needs. If you have congestive heart failure or a kidney condition, your doctor may recommend you limit your water intake. Alternatively, if you are taking certain medications, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have a high level of physical activity, you may need to drink more than 8 glasses of water a day.
An important consideration is your fluid intake if you are an athlete. When we sweat, we are losing both water and electrolytes and the body needs a balance of both. “A sports drink with electrolytes may be more appropriate to incorporate into daily fluid intake for athletes, those that live in hot climates, or anyone with a high level of activity. Too much water can actually lead to a condition known as hyponatremia, where the level of sodium in the blood drops critically low and can lead to death”, says Newbrough.
Tailoring the 8 Glasses of Water Goal
While 8 glasses of water a day is a good goal to shoot for and a helpful guideline, you may want to tailor your exact fluid intake to your individual needs. Speak with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to help you with this. To estimate your fluid needs, consider your urine color as well as your typical sweat loss. Additionally, consider your physical activity level, the intensity of perspiration, body size, gender, duration of physical activity, climate, and elevation. Also, speak with your healthcare provider if you have any medical conditions in which you may need to adjust your fluid intake.
Strategies for Incorporating 8 Glasses of Water into Your Lifestyle
Getting adequate fluids is a healthy habit that everyone can get behind. Newbrough says, “Some strategies that I like to share with my clients are to carry a water bottle with them wherever they go as a reminder to take sips throughout the day. For those who struggle with plain water, you can play around by infusing it with any mix of fruits, or herbs to make it more exciting. My personal favorite is a refreshing mix of watermelon and mint”.
Other strategies include buying a water bottle that is fun and makes you want to drink, using a water bottle that marks milestones you hit throughout the day, and increasing your intake of hydrating foods, such as fruits, vegetables, yogurt, and eggs. “For reusable water bottles, I customize the number of refills per day to the person’s unique needs. If someone works in an environment with set break times for food and beverage consumption, I customize their water intake to their schedule and focus on opportunities before and after work,” Fiske says.
While there is no “one size fits all” approach to hydration, drinking 8 glasses of water a day certainly has health benefits. These include improved fluid balance, enhanced exercise performance, healthier skin, and regular bowel movements. Speak with a healthcare provider for individualized fluid recommendations and if you have a medical condition that would limit your fluid intake.

Calories, Carbs, and Health Benefits of Orange Juice
Drinking orange juice is a very popular way to consume oranges and the drink is often served with breakfast. While it does contain naturally occurring sugar, the beverage is also high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Nutrition Facts
The following nutrition information is provided by the USDA for 1 cup (8oz) of orange juice.1Included below are the approximate values of a cup of orange juice. Be aware that different brands will have slightly different amounts of each nutrient.

- Calories: 110
- Fat: 0g
- Sodium: 9.6mg
- Carbohydrates: 27g
- Fiber: 0.96g
- Sugars: 20g
- Protein: 2g
Carbs in Orange Juice
Most of the calories in orange juice come from carbohydrates. There is almost no fiber or starch in orange juice. This means that most of the carbs in orange juice are provided in the form of sugar.
Pure orange juice provides naturally-occurring sugar. That is sugar (fructose in this case) that occurs naturally in foods such as fruit. However, some brands of orange juice may add extra sugar. That sugar is called “added sugar” and health experts recommend that we watch our added sugar consumption. Also, pure fruit juice may offer additional health benefits, but more research needs to be done to determine exactly what these are.2
The glycemic index of orange juice (containing no added sugars) is estimated to be 50.3 Keep in mind that the glycemic index takes serving size into account. So if you drink more than a single serving (one cup) the GI will be higher.
Fats in Orange Juice
There is almost no fat in orange juice
Protein in Orange Juice
Orange juice is not a good source of protein, providing less than two grams per serving.
Micronutrients in Orange Juice
One serving of orange juice has all the vitamin C you need for a whole day. Orange juice is also high in potassium, and it’s a good source of folate and thiamine, two of the B-complex vitamins.
Health Benefits
The vitamin C found in orange is essential for healthy blood vessel walls and connective tissue that lies below your skin. It’s also essential for normal immune system function.4 Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that is thought to have health benefits by protecting your cells from free radical damage. More research is needed to determine all of the specific health-protective roles fruit juices may play in our bodies.2
Orange juice is also a good source of folate that’s necessary for red blood cell formation and to help prevent a birth defect called spina bifida. And it’s high in two important minerals, potassium, and iron. Potassium is essential for nerve and muscle function, and it works against sodium to maintain body fluid balance and blood pressure.
Keep in mind that you’ll gain many of the health benefits of orange juice if you simply consume an orange. By comparison, one average-sized orange has about 60 calories, 15 grams of carbohydrates, and 3 grams of fiber.5 But it also only has 70 milligrams of vitamin C. That’s still a substantial amount, but you’ll get more vitamin C with a glass of orange juice.
Eating oranges is an excellent way to get your daily dose of vitamin C and potassium, plus fiber. Although most oranges are consumed as juice at breakfast time, there are plenty of ways to get more fresh oranges into your day. For example, you can eat an orange out of your hand as an afternoon snack, or add orange sections to a salad served with a tangy citrus vinaigrette.
Common Questions About Orange Juice
Can orange juice prevent or cure a cold?
Probably not. While vitamin C is essential for immune system function, there isn’t any evidence that drinking orange juice will help prevent a cold nor will it make your cold go away any faster.4 It is important to stay hydrated when you’re not feeling well and drinking orange juice can help with that.
Can drinking orange juice prevent cancer?
It’s possible that some of the compounds in orange juice may help prevent cancer, but so far the only research has been done on lab animals so it’s not known if drinking orange juice will prevent or delay any types of cancer.6
Will drinking orange juice make a person gain weight?
As long as you keep your daily caloric intake where it needs to be so that you maintain or lose weight, drinking orange juice won’t cause you to gain weight. If you consume more calories than you burn every day, then you’ll gain weight no matter if the calories are from orange juice or something else. Keep serving sizes in mind and budget your calories appropriately.
Should I just eat an orange instead of drinking juice?
An orange has fewer calories and carbs than orange juice, and it has more fiber. But it doesn’t have as much vitamin C. As long as you get enough vitamin C from other sources such as strawberries, peppers, and other fruits and veggies, the whole fruit is probably the way to go.
Is freshly squeezed orange juice more nutritious than store-bought?
Yes, it is. Ounce for ounce, freshly squeezed orange juice can have about 50 percent more vitamin C and almost twice as much folate and thiamine.
Should I drink calcium-fortified orange juice? If you feel that you often fall short in your calcium intake from foods such as dairy products, nuts, seeds, and green leafy vegetables, then drinking calcium-fortified orange juice can help you meet your calcium needs.7 Be sure to read the Nutrition Fact label on the product to see how much extra calcium you’ll get from each serving. Note that some brands also add vitamin D as well

Known for adding flavor, freshness, and acidity to drinks and foods, lemons are the most commonly used citrus fruits. Lemons are also used for garnish and flavoring desserts. They can be juiced, cut into wedges, or grated to make lemon zest.
This versatile fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C. They are naturally low in calories and carbohydrates and available all year long. Lemons are a perfect fruit to keep on hand for salad dressings, seafood recipes, flavoring water, and more.
Lemon Nutrition Facts
The following nutrition information is provided by the USDA for one lemon (without rind) measuring approximately 2 1/8″ in diameter (58g).

- Calories: 17
- Fat: 0.2g
- Sodium: 1mg
- Carbohydrates: 5.4g
- Fiber: 1.6g
- Sugars: 1.5g
- Protein: 0.6g
One whole lemon contains 17 calories and just over 5 grams of carbohydrate. The carbs are primarily fiber (1.6 grams) and sugar (1.5 grams). Note that the juice of a whole lemon provides only 0.14 grams of fiber, according to USDA data, but almost the same amount of sugar. The glycemic load of a whole lemon is estimated to be 1, making it a low-glycemic food.
There is a very small amount of fat in lemons, under 1 gram if you consume the whole fruit.
Lemons are not a good source of protein, providing less than 1 gram per fruit.
Vitamins and Minerals
Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C, providing over half (30.7mg) of your daily recommended intake. There are also very small amounts of thiamin, vitamin B6, and folate in lemon.
Lemons are not a good source of minerals, but they do contain small amounts of calcium, iron, and potassium.
Health Benefits
The health benefits of lemons are attributed primarily to the high level of vitamin C that the fruit provides.
Prevents Deficiency
Lemons have been used throughout history to manage vitamin C deficiency.
Improved Heart Health
Studies indicate that a higher intake of vitamin C is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), including coronary heart disease and stroke. The National Institutes of Health states that the benefit is likely due to the antioxidant content of lemon which helps to prevent oxidative damage that can lead to cardiovascular disease.3
But authors of one large review were careful to put their findings into perspective. They concluded that while research suggests that vitamin C deficiency is associated with a higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease and that vitamin C may slightly improve endothelial function and lipid profiles in some groups, studies do not provide enough support for the widespread use of vitamin C supplementation to reduce cardiovascular risk or mortality.4
Slower Age-Related Decline
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants help to prevent cell damage caused by oxidative stress. There is ongoing research about the possible impact that antioxidants can have on the aging process. There is some evidence that they may help improve skin health or even help prevent certain types of diseases associated with aging. So far, however, study results have been mixed.5
Improved Eye Health
Additionally, researchers are investigating whether a higher intake of vitamin C can help treat or prevent age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts—common causes of vision decline in older adults. So far, study results have been inconsistent but research is ongoing.3
Better Immune Function
Vitamin C has been shown to play an important role in immune function. And while some people take vitamin C supplements or use lemons to prevent or manage the treatment of the common cold, studies regarding its effectiveness have yielded mixed results.
A few large studies have shown that taking a vitamin C supplement of about 250 mg per day may help certain specific populations reduce the duration of the common colds, but other studies have shown no benefit in the general population.3Also, it is important to note that studies investigating the relationship between the common cold and vitamin C examine supplements, not lemons.
Cancer Prevention
Antioxidants, such as those in lemon, are being investigated for their potential impact on cancer.
According to the National Cancer Institute, increased levels of antioxidants may be able to prevent the types of free radical damage that have been associated with cancer development. Free radicals are chemicals that can cause cellular damage in the body. Exposure to certain environmental toxins (like cigarette smoke) may increase the free radicals in your body and even cause the body to make more free radicals.
But researchers still don’t know if antioxidants have the power to combat or prevent cancer. More research needs to be done investigating the impact of antioxidants from food versus antioxidant supplements. For now, there is not enough evidence to know for sure if there is any benefit.
People with an allergy to citrus fruits should avoid lemon or products made with lemon or lemon zest. Citrus allergy is not common but can be problematic in some people. There are also reports of asthma as a reaction to inhalation of lemon or orange peel. If you suspect an allergy to lemon, seek care from a qualified allergy specialist.

Bottom of FormHoney may seem like a mystical natural health-food, which is full of nutrient but the truth is, honey is still a concentrated source of sugar. When used in moderation, honey can complement an otherwise healthy eating plan and offer some intriguing benefits. Honey is a natural preservative that can preserve other items. However, honey is not a food that should be overused, especially if you have diabetes. Here’s the latest buzz on honey’s nutrition facts and scientific research.
Honey Nutrition Facts
The USDA provides the following information for 1 tablespoon (21 grams) of 100% pure bee honey.

The calories in honey come from carbohydrates, specifically sugar. The sugar in honey is about 50% glucose and 50% fructose. The glycemic index of honey depends on the type that you buy, but sources estimate it to be around 58 with a glycemic load of 12. For comparison, the glycemic index of table sugar (sucrose) is 65.
There is no fat in honey.
Honey contains trace amounts of protein depending upon the product (up to 0.06g in some honey products), but not enough to contribute to your daily protein requirements.
Vitamins and Minerals
The vitamins and minerals in honey may include B vitamins, calcium, copper, iron, zinc, and others, which are mainly derived from the soil and nectar‐producing plants. The quality of honey and its mineral content are determined by where it is grown and how it is processed. Generally, darker honey provides more beneficial vitamins and minerals than pale honey.
Health Benefits
Certain varieties of honey have been shown to offer promising healing powers. When applying these characteristics to everyday life, it’s important to balance the purported health benefits versus the nutritional cost (high sugar content) of honey.
Soothes a Cough
Research suggests honey can help calm a cough. A review of six studies treating coughs in children found that a spoonful of honey suppresses a cough as well as dextromethorphan the cough suppressant found in Robitussin DM and better than Benadryl (diphenhydramine) or no treatment. The research also found honey may provide longer relief than Albuterol.
Promotes Regularity
Studies have demonstrated honey’s positive impact on the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). When taken on an empty stomach, raw Manuka honey soothes the stomach and reduces diarrhea and constipation symptoms. Honey reduces the severity and duration of viral diarrhea better than conventional antiviral treatment.
Supports Reproductive Health
A type of honey, called royal jelly, has numerous effects on female reproductive health. Royal jelly has been found to reduce premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopausal symptoms. The antioxidants in royal jelly may help reduce oxidative damage associated with the aging of the ovaries. Preliminary animal studies also suggest that royal jelly improves sperm quality for men, and although promising, this effect has yet to be proven in humans.
Aids Wound Healing
Propolis, a component in honey, is made up of 50% resin, 30% wax, 10% essential oils, 5% pollen, and 5% other organic compounds. Propolis suppresses the activity of free radicals and promotes the synthesis of collagen, both beneficial for wound healing. The ability of propolis to promote wound healing is proven effective for diabetic foot ulcers and certain types of acne when used topically.
Reduces Risk of Cancer
Honey impacts the development of cancer during multiple stages of the progression of the disease. Honey has been shown to induce tumor cell apoptosis (cell death), reduce inflammation, and inhibit tumor growth. Although honey is not an effective treatment for cancer in itself, preliminary studies suggest the need for further investigation.
Honey is not a common allergen, however, case studies shows anaphylaxis have been reported. Anaphylaxis from the consumption of honey is an IgE-mediated reaction (a true food allergy). Propolis has been documented as a contact allergen for those involved in the collection of honey. If you suspect an allergy to honey, see your health care provider for a full evaluation.
Adverse Effects
The American Academy of Pediatrics advises parents to never give honey to babies during the first year of life as it is a potential source of botulism-causing spores which can lead to severe illness in young babies.
If you are on a low-sugar or low-carbohydrate eating plan for medical reasons, you should limit your intake of honey. Honey is almost pure sugar (carbohydrates). Despite its associated health benefits, honey still raises blood glucose levels and should be accounted for when considering total carbohydrate intake.
There are more than 300 varieties of honey in the United States, each originating from unique flower sources or different climate conditions. Examples include clover honey, wildflower honey, orange blossom honey, buckwheat honey, avocado honey, and alfalfa honey. Honey purchased from the store may be raw or pasteurized.
- Raw honey comes directly from the beehive and is not processed, heated, or pasteurized.
- Pasteurized honey is filtered and processed to create a clear-looking product that is easier to package and pour.
Pasteurization may eliminate some of the trace minerals associated with honey’s health benefits. If the food label specifies “pure honey,” that means no other substances were added during food processing.
When It’s Best
For maximum nutrition, choose raw honey from the local farmer’s market. If you enjoy the taste of honey, go for the darker varieties, which have a stronger flavor, allowing you to use less of it for the same taste effect. Honey can be found at any time of the year packaged in glass or plastic bottles.
Storage and Food Safety
Raw and processed honey should be stored below 32 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent crystallization and color/aroma changes. Honey is naturally antimicrobial but should be protected from outside moisture. The general recommendation for the shelf-life of honey is two years, however, this can vary. Airtight, sanitized containers help preserve the shelf-life and safety of honey.
Honey is many in one and it is natural and everyone can keep honeybees at their houses and can have it in its pure form.
How to Prepare
Honey is a versatile sweetener so there are countless ways to use it in the kitchen. However, some cooks struggle when they cook with honey because it can be messy. If you buy a jar of honey (as opposed to a squeeze bottle) spooning honey onto food can be a challenge. Savvy experts recommend that you spray your spoon or measuring cup with cooking spray first so that the honey slides off with no mess and no fuss.
When substituting honey for granulated sugar in recipes, it’s important to remember that honey has a stronger flavor, greater acidity, and higher moisture content than sugar. Baking experts recommend using 1/2 to 3/4 cup of honey for each cup of sugar in the recipe, and also reducing the liquid by 1/4 cup for each cup of sugar replaced. In addition, if the recipe does not already include baking soda, add 1/4 teaspoon for each cup of sugar replaced. You should also lower the oven temperature by 25 degrees Fahrenheit and watch carefully for doneness.

Aik Qaum, Aik Sath | Pakistan Zindabad | Pakistan Day Song | 23rd March 2024 | AIKQAUM.COM

Nation celebrates Pakistan Day today with traditional zeal