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Indian troops martyr three more youth in occupied Kashmir



SRINAGAR: Indian troops martyred three more Kashmiri youth in Baramulla and Shopian districts of Occupied Kashmir on Saturday in the latest acts of Indian state terrorism.

The latest deaths came as a state of fear and panic gripped the Himalayan terrority after the Hindu nationalist Baharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government called in tens of thousands of additional troops and ordered tourists to evacuate the region.

According to the Kashmir Media Service, two youth were martyred in a cordon and search operation at Malmapanpora in Sopore area of Baramulla district, where an Indian soldier was injured in an earlier attack.

Another youth, identified as Manzoor Ahmed Butt, was martyred during an over 40-hour long cordon and search operation at Pandoshan in Shopian district, where Indian troops had martyred another youth, Zeenat-ul-Islam Naikoo, the previous day. The Indian forces also razed several houses to the ground by during the operation in Pandoshan.

Thousands of people participated in the funeral prayers of martyred Zeenat-ul-Islam Naikoo at his native Memmander village in Shopian district on Saturday, where they raised anti-India and pro-freedom slogans.

Scores of students reportedly assembled at the Kashmir University and held a demonstration against the war hysteria created by India in the Kashmir valley. The students pledged that any nefarious design by the Indian state which is against the interests of Kashmiri people would be opposed, tooth and nail.

In a statement, Chairman Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Movement Mir Shahid Saleem also warned the Indian government that any move to tinker with the special status of Jammu and Kashmir would have disastrous consequences.

Threat to scrap Occupied Kashmir’s special status

Meanwhile, fear gripped Chenab Valley and Pir Panchal areas of Jammu region after deployment of additional paramilitary personnel by India at many places in these areas. According to KMS, Kashmiri residents were feeling insecure as they feared “something bad was going to happen”.

The state government said late Friday that tourists should leave Occupier Kashmir “immediately” because of intelligence about “terror threats” to a major Hindu pilgrimage in the region.

The order came as the Indian government called in thousands of military reinforcements to the Himalayan territory. The Indian government has admitted that 10,000 extra troops were sent to Occupied Kashmir a week ago, but media reports Friday said a further 25,000 had been ordered there.

The Indian government has declined to say how many are in the new reinforcements.

Kashmir politicians have raised fears that the additional troops are a sign that the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government could carry out a threat to scrap Occupied Kashmir’s special status under the Indian constitution.

Recent official orders, including the one on Friday, have triggered rumours that the BJP government is planning to remove Article 35A, which prevents people from outside buying property or claiming government jobs in Occupier Kashmir.

Political leaders in the territory have warned that cancelling constitutionally guaranteed rights could spark unrest.

Former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Mehbooba Mufti said India “has chosen territory over people”, and “seems to be preparing to rob them (Kashmiris) of whatever little is left to protect their unique identity”.

“Such a move will have catastrophic consequences and push Kashmiris to the brink,” she tweeted.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has refused to say whether it is about to scrap the constitutional article, though he has often spoken against it.

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Pakistan dispatches 3rd consignment of relief goods for people in Gaza



Pakistan has dispatched third consignment of 20 tons of relief goods for the people in Gaza.

The consignment of relief goods was sent from Nur Khan Air base by a special flight of Pakistan Air force.

According to details, Pakistan takes the lead in helping innocent Palestinian brothers and sisters.

The third aid consignment contains about 20 tons of essential items including surgical and medical supplies, dry food items and gift bags for children as well as hygiene kits.

It is pertinent to mention that Pakistan stands with the Palestinian brothers and sisters in this testing time and will continue to support them.

Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani, Palestine’s Ambassador to Pakistan and representatives of the Armed Forces attended the ceremony to dispatch the relief goods at Nur Khan Air Base.

Speaking on the occasion, the Foreign Minister called for immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

He urged to uphold the basic principles of justice and human rights as well as ensuring the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. He said that more humanitarian aid is also being arranged for the war affected brothers and sisters in Gaza.

Jalil Abbas Jilani also expressed solidarity with the people of Palestine and strongly condemned the use of indiscriminate force by Israel particularly against Palestinian women and children.

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Pakistan expresses disappointment over UNSC’s failure to call for a ceasefire in Gaza




ISLAMABAD, Dec 09 (APP): The Foreign Office on Saturday said that Pakistan was deeply disappointed that the UN Security Council once again failed to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, even in the face of a human tragedy of epic proportions taking place there.

Despite the invocation of Article-99 of the UN Charter by the Secretary-General and his warnings of humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, the Council has failed to perform its primary responsibility to maintain international peace and security. The collective punishment endured by the besieged people of Gaza is unprecedented and unacceptable,” Foreign Office Spokesperson said in a press statement.

Pakistan reiterated its call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire to avert a humanitarian catastrophe. Israel must end its barbaric attacks and inhumane siege against Gaza.

“We urge the UN Security Council to act now, end this inhuman war and protect the people of Gaza from an impending genocide,” it was stressed.

The spokesperson said that continuation of Israel’s campaign in occupied Palestine would prolong human suffering, with massive civilian casualties and forced displacement of millions of people.

It could also trigger a wider and more dangerous conflict. A heavy responsibility rested on all who have contributed to the prolongation of uninterrupted bombing of the people of Gaza, it was added.

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Pakistan asks UN to investigate Israel’s atrocity crimes in Palestine




Acting Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations Ambassador Usman Iqbal Jadoon has asked the General Assembly and UN Security Council to consider the establishment of a special tribunal and accountability mechanism to investigate Israel’s atrocity crimes in Palestine.

Taking part in the UN General Assembly Debate on the “Question of Palestine”, Ambassador Usman Iqbal Jadoon asked that deployment of an international protection force or mechanism to protect Palestinian civilians, especially women and children in Gaza and West Bank and play its role in the restoration of the peace process.

The Ambassador regretted that the General Assembly’s call was not heeded by Israel, which continued its indiscriminate and criminal attacks against the Palestinian people. Israel also ignored the call from the Security Council to comply with its obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law, notably with regard to the protection of civilians, especially children; and to refrain from depriving the civilian population in the Gaza Strip of basic services and humanitarian assistance indispensable to their survival.

He strongly condemned the indiscriminate use of force by Israel. He said Israel’s attacks on civilians, civilian objects and infrastructure, blockading of water, food and fuel, as well as the forced displacement of people within the occupied territory, are flagrant violations of international humanitarian law and amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity, and may amount to the crime of genocide. 

The Ambassador appreciated the efforts undertaken by Qatar and Egypt to save precious lives. Pakistan’s position, however, remains in favour of a complete and immediate cessation of hostilities. He said the Israeli killing machine operating with complete impunity needs to be stopped and Israel must be held accountable for its defiance and criminal actions.

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