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Imran Khan’s geo-economic vision making way to Central Asia through peaceful Afghanistan



ISLAMABAD, July 31 (APP): Pakistan is setting new targets of development by creating economic linkages with Central Asia and taking the pathway of regional prosperity that traverses through a peaceful Afghanistan.

The country, after its significant shift from the geo-strategic to geo-economic policies in line with the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan, has embarked upon a journey where all roads of regional integration lead to progress.

The government is focusing on regional connectivity with five-landlocked Central Asian states – Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, to witness in near future a major economic upturn. However, it has termed peace in Afghanistan as the “foremost factor” to materialize such a vision of prosperity.

Imran Khan at several occasions has emphasized that of all nations, Pakistan is the one “most interested” in the resumption of peace in Afghanistan for its own interests.

“Pakistan is concerned for peace in Afghanistan because the country’s economic strategies greatly depend on it,” he said, in a recent interaction with the visiting Afghan journalists in Islamabad.


A peaceful Afghanistan, he said, could act as a corridor for Pakistan’s trade route to Central Asian states besides benefitting itself from Pakistan’s Gwadar seaport.

Pakistan, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan on February 2, 2021, had agreed to a roadmap for the construction of a 573-kilometre route from Mazar-e-Sharif to Peshawar, via Kabul.

The project, at an estimated cost of $5 billion, will open Pakistani seaports on the Arabian Gulf to Uzbekistan and continue Afghanistan’s gradual integration into the Central Asian economic system.

The new corridor will improve connectivity with an annual transit potential of up to 20 million tons of cargo transportation.

Prime Minister Imran Khan and Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in a virtual meeting on April 14, 2021, had supported the construction of ‘Termez–Mazar-e-Sharif–Kabul–Peshawar’ railway line, calling it an important initiative to establish connectivity from Central Asia to the Arabian Sea through Afghanistan and Pakistani seaports of Karachi, Gwadar and Qasim.

Prime Minister Khan, during a recent visit to Uzbekistan in July, had stressed that Pakistan’s trade relationship was going to depend on how quickly the countries were able to connect with each other.

He termed the trans-Afghan railway project as the most important project for Uzbekistan and Pakistan. “For Pakistan, it connects us to Central Asia, to Uzbekistan which is the biggest of the Central Asian republics and beyond,” he said.

The regional connectivity also promises an immense potential for the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to benefit the entire Central Asian region in areas of transport, fiber optic cable, energy pipelines, and investment opportunities in Special Economic Zones.

In his address to the leaders participating in the Tashkent’s ‘Central and South Asia Summit on Opportunities and Challenges’ in July, the prime minister spoke about the situation in Afghanistan, where he said Pakistan wanted a political settlement in the neighbouring country for “mutually beneficial” connectivity between Pakistan and Uzbekistan, and other Central Asian countries.


Minister for Information and Broadcasting Fawad Chaudhry has also linked regional connectivity with durable peace in Afghanistan.

“Pakistan is desirous of durable peace in Afghanistan, and is making all possible efforts in this regard,” he said in Tashkent, expressing hope that regional connectivity would prove as a harbinger of progress for the entire region.

Following the meeting of Prime Minister Imran Khan and the Uzbek president in Tashkent, Fawad said the two leaders expressed the desire of running a train service from Gwadar to Tashkent and truck service from Karachi to Tashkent.

Commerce Adviser Abdul Raza Dawood says that Pakistan is looking to intensify trade with neighbouring Afghanistan and the countries of Central Asia with an aim to diversify trade beyond the top players.

The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan promises a return of stability and provides an opportunity to Pakistan to strengthen commerce with its neighbour, which sits at the crossroads of South and Central Asia.

Islamabad stands to benefit from greater trade with Central Asian markets that are rich in energy resources to develop its industrial base.

Pakistan believes that political settlement in Afghanistan is the major factor that can guarantee the efforts towards prosperity.

Experts say that South Asia-Central Asia connectivity will benefit many countries. The railway line from Mazar-e-Sharif through Kabul to Peshawar will reduce Russia’s north-south route by up to 600 kilometres. Similar reductions in distance and shipping times apply to China’s trade with South Asia and East Africa.


The announcement by the United States, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan on July 15, 2021, to agree in principle to establish a new quadrilateral diplomatic platform focusing on enhancing regional connectivity, has given strength to the notion.

With ‘peace’ and ‘regional connectivity as the main elements of its geo-economic strategy, the experts are sure about Pakistan that the South Asian country is going to make rapid strides in diverse fields – Up to Central Asia and beyond.

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Pakistan dispatches 3rd consignment of relief goods for people in Gaza



Pakistan has dispatched third consignment of 20 tons of relief goods for the people in Gaza.

The consignment of relief goods was sent from Nur Khan Air base by a special flight of Pakistan Air force.

According to details, Pakistan takes the lead in helping innocent Palestinian brothers and sisters.

The third aid consignment contains about 20 tons of essential items including surgical and medical supplies, dry food items and gift bags for children as well as hygiene kits.

It is pertinent to mention that Pakistan stands with the Palestinian brothers and sisters in this testing time and will continue to support them.

Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani, Palestine’s Ambassador to Pakistan and representatives of the Armed Forces attended the ceremony to dispatch the relief goods at Nur Khan Air Base.

Speaking on the occasion, the Foreign Minister called for immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

He urged to uphold the basic principles of justice and human rights as well as ensuring the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. He said that more humanitarian aid is also being arranged for the war affected brothers and sisters in Gaza.

Jalil Abbas Jilani also expressed solidarity with the people of Palestine and strongly condemned the use of indiscriminate force by Israel particularly against Palestinian women and children.

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Pakistan expresses disappointment over UNSC’s failure to call for a ceasefire in Gaza




ISLAMABAD, Dec 09 (APP): The Foreign Office on Saturday said that Pakistan was deeply disappointed that the UN Security Council once again failed to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, even in the face of a human tragedy of epic proportions taking place there.

Despite the invocation of Article-99 of the UN Charter by the Secretary-General and his warnings of humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, the Council has failed to perform its primary responsibility to maintain international peace and security. The collective punishment endured by the besieged people of Gaza is unprecedented and unacceptable,” Foreign Office Spokesperson said in a press statement.

Pakistan reiterated its call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire to avert a humanitarian catastrophe. Israel must end its barbaric attacks and inhumane siege against Gaza.

“We urge the UN Security Council to act now, end this inhuman war and protect the people of Gaza from an impending genocide,” it was stressed.

The spokesperson said that continuation of Israel’s campaign in occupied Palestine would prolong human suffering, with massive civilian casualties and forced displacement of millions of people.

It could also trigger a wider and more dangerous conflict. A heavy responsibility rested on all who have contributed to the prolongation of uninterrupted bombing of the people of Gaza, it was added.

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Pakistan asks UN to investigate Israel’s atrocity crimes in Palestine




Acting Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations Ambassador Usman Iqbal Jadoon has asked the General Assembly and UN Security Council to consider the establishment of a special tribunal and accountability mechanism to investigate Israel’s atrocity crimes in Palestine.

Taking part in the UN General Assembly Debate on the “Question of Palestine”, Ambassador Usman Iqbal Jadoon asked that deployment of an international protection force or mechanism to protect Palestinian civilians, especially women and children in Gaza and West Bank and play its role in the restoration of the peace process.

The Ambassador regretted that the General Assembly’s call was not heeded by Israel, which continued its indiscriminate and criminal attacks against the Palestinian people. Israel also ignored the call from the Security Council to comply with its obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law, notably with regard to the protection of civilians, especially children; and to refrain from depriving the civilian population in the Gaza Strip of basic services and humanitarian assistance indispensable to their survival.

He strongly condemned the indiscriminate use of force by Israel. He said Israel’s attacks on civilians, civilian objects and infrastructure, blockading of water, food and fuel, as well as the forced displacement of people within the occupied territory, are flagrant violations of international humanitarian law and amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity, and may amount to the crime of genocide. 

The Ambassador appreciated the efforts undertaken by Qatar and Egypt to save precious lives. Pakistan’s position, however, remains in favour of a complete and immediate cessation of hostilities. He said the Israeli killing machine operating with complete impunity needs to be stopped and Israel must be held accountable for its defiance and criminal actions.

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