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Death anniversary of Allama Inayatullah Mashriqi being observed today



The 61st death anniversary of founder of Khaksar movement, and writer, religious scholar and prominent mathematician Allama Inayatullah Mashriqi is being observed today.    

Allama Inayatullah Mashriqi was born on 25 August 1883 in Amritsar.

He graduated from Cambridge University in England with distinction in mathematics and physics. He was a scholar of great stature and author of several books.

In 1931, Allama Mashriqi established a party called Khaksar Tehreek whose manifesto was discipline, service and obedience. Soon the movement became a formidable political organization across India.

Allama Inayatullah died in Lahore on this day in 1963.


Reviving the National Cadet Corps (NCC) into the National Digital Cadet Corps (NDCC): A Vision for the Future




In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and digital transformation, the need for innovative approaches to national security, youth development, and civic engagement has never been more pressing. The National Cadet Corps (NCC), a time-honored institution that has played a crucial role in fostering discipline, leadership, and patriotism among the youth, stands at a crossroads. The proposal to revive the NCC into a modernized National Digital Cadet Corps (NDCC) offers a visionary path forward, aligning with the digital age’s demands while preserving the core values of the original organization.

The Legacy of NCC

The NCC has a rich history of cultivating leadership qualities, physical fitness, and a sense of duty among young citizens. It has been instrumental in preparing the youth for challenges related to national defense, community service, and social responsibility. However, with the changing dynamics of warfare, security, and civic engagement, there is a growing need to adapt and evolve the NCC to remain relevant and impactful.

However, Pakistan’s National Cadet Corps (NCC) has been working in this domain since 1948. It has remained a branch of the Pakistan Army as a program run under the Pakistan National Guard. This department has been training high school and college students for self-defense. They trained them regarding the use of weapons and different defending actions. But unfortunately, that alluring opportunity has been abolished by President Musharraf back in 2002. Since that the training of NCC has not been materialized.

The Need for a Digital Transformation

As digital technologies permeate every aspect of life, from education to communication, the concept of security has also expanded to include cybersecurity, information warfare, and digital literacy. The youth of today must be equipped not only with physical training but also with the skills and knowledge required to navigate and protect the digital landscape. The transformation of NCC into NDCC represents a strategic response to these emerging challenges, ensuring that the next generation of leaders is prepared for both physical and digital realms of defense and civic responsibility.

Objectives of the National Digital Cadet Corps (NDCC)

  1. Digital Literacy and Cybersecurity: NDCC will focus on imparting essential digital skills, including cybersecurity awareness, data protection, and ethical use of technology. Cadets will be trained to recognize and respond to cyber threats, ensuring that they can contribute to the nation’s cybersecurity infrastructure.
  2. Leadership and Civic Engagement in the Digital Age: NDCC will continue to emphasize leadership and community service, but with a modern twist. Cadets will be encouraged to lead digital initiatives, such as online awareness campaigns, e-governance projects, and digital literacy drives, thus becoming ambassadors of positive change in the digital world.
  3. Integration of Physical and Digital Training: While the NDCC will prioritize digital skills, it will also retain the physical training aspects of the traditional NCC. Cadets will participate in activities that promote physical fitness, teamwork, and discipline, ensuring a well-rounded development that combines physical and digital preparedness.
  4. National Security and Digital Warfare: NDCC will introduce cadets to the concepts of digital warfare, including cyber defense strategies, information security, and the role of technology in modern warfare. This will prepare them to contribute to national security in an increasingly digital world.
  5. Global Citizenship and Cultural Exchange: In a globalized world, understanding different cultures and global issues is crucial. NDCC will foster a sense of global citizenship by promoting cross-cultural exchanges, online collaborations, and participation in international digital forums.

Implementation Strategy

  1. Curriculum Development: A comprehensive curriculum will be developed, incorporating modules on digital literacy, cybersecurity, leadership, and physical training. This curriculum will be regularly updated to keep pace with technological advancements and emerging threats.
  2. Partnerships with Educational Institutions and Tech Industry: NDCC will collaborate with schools, colleges, and universities to integrate its programs into the educational system. Additionally, partnerships with tech companies and cybersecurity firms will provide cadets with access to the latest tools, technologies, and expertise.
  3. Digital Infrastructure and Resources: Investment in digital infrastructure, such as virtual classrooms, e-learning platforms, and cybersecurity labs, will be essential. Cadets will have access to online resources, simulations, and real-world scenarios to enhance their learning experience.
  4. Community and National Service: NDCC will continue the tradition of community service by involving cadets in digital initiatives that benefit society, such as creating digital content for educational purposes, assisting in e-governance projects, and participating in disaster management efforts.
  5. Assessment and Certification: A robust assessment system will be put in place to evaluate cadets’ proficiency in both physical and digital skills. Successful cadets will receive certifications that are recognized by educational institutions and employers, enhancing their career prospects.


The transformation of the National Cadet Corps (NCC) into the National Digital Cadet Corps (NDCC) represents a forward-thinking approach to youth development, national security, and civic engagement in the digital age. By equipping young citizens with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate and protect the digital world, NDCC will ensure that the next generation is ready to lead and serve in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. This initiative not only preserves the legacy of NCC but also adapts it to meet the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, creating a future-ready force that embodies the spirit of patriotism, leadership, and service

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Death Anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam Being Observed Today: A Nation Remembers Its Founder




oday, the nation solemnly observes the death anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan and a visionary leader whose tireless efforts and unwavering commitment led to the creation of an independent Muslim state in 1947. On this day, people across Pakistan and around the world reflect on his legacy, recalling the ideals of unity, faith, and discipline that he instilled in the nation.

A Legacy of Leadership

Quaid-e-Azam, born on December 25, 1876, in Karachi, emerged as a prominent leader in the Indian subcontinent’s struggle for independence. Through his astute political acumen, he navigated the complex and often hostile environment of British India, advocating for the rights of Muslims and ensuring their representation in the broader nationalist movement. His leadership culminated in the historic creation of Pakistan on August 14, 1947, fulfilling the dreams of millions who sought a homeland where they could live in accordance with their beliefs and values.

Commemorative Events

Across Pakistan, various events are being held to commemorate Quaid-e-Azam’s death anniversary. Educational institutions, government offices, and civil society organizations are hosting seminars, conferences, and discussions that focus on his life, achievements, and the relevance of his vision in today’s Pakistan. Special prayers and Quran recitations are being held in mosques, and the national flag is being flown at half-mast as a mark of respect.

Reflection on His Vision

As Pakistan faces the challenges of the 21st century, Quaid-e-Azam’s principles remain as relevant as ever. His call for unity among all citizens, regardless of ethnicity or sect, is a reminder of the strength that lies in diversity. His emphasis on education and economic development continues to inspire efforts to build a prosperous and progressive Pakistan. On this solemn occasion, leaders and citizens alike are urged to recommit themselves to the Quaid’s vision, working together to overcome divisions and strive for a just, peaceful, and prosperous nation.

A Nation’s Tribute

The observance of Quaid-e-Azam’s death anniversary is not just a moment to mourn his passing but also an opportunity to celebrate his enduring legacy. His life’s work laid the foundation for a nation that, despite its challenges, has continued to grow and evolve. As Pakistanis honor the memory of their founding father today, they do so with a renewed sense of purpose, drawing inspiration from his words and actions to guide them in their journey forward.

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Health is in Food and Foods are in Hunza Valley

Fariyal Mir




Almighty has produced the best of His art in this universe and has portrayed the view of Jannat-ul-Firdous in the Holy Quran. He has not just portrayed it in the Quran but He has produced it in real for us as well. Man has developed too much and has produced many things but he can never compete with the art of God and His standard of creation. Hunza valley is one of His best art the place where one can visualize the imagery picture of Jannat. The greenery and the sounds of the waterfalls are the real visionaries and the soothing effect cannot be produced artificially. Hunza is not just the place of beauty yet it is the hub of different kind of traditional foods which are all mouthwatering. These foods are not just to end your appetite but also provide full nutrients and health. Let’s enjoy some of the food of Hunza Valley.

  1. Go-Lee:

Go-Lee is thin, rounded shape, soft Pulka which is mostly taken in breakfast. This is a mixture of egg, flour and water which are mixed and are fried in a small amount of oil. One can enjoy the Go-Lee anytime with a cup of tea.

Go-Lee is thin, rounded shape, soft Pulka which is mostly taken in breakfast. This is a mixture of egg, flour and water which are mixed and are fried in a small amount of oil. One can enjoy the Go-Lee anytime with a cup of tea.

  • Harissa 

Harissa is one of the tastiest dish for all age and gender. It is a very healthy food item which is prepared with much dedication. It is a time taking dish in preparation and is prepared with meat, rice, wheat and green Lintel. Mostly it is presented in wedding ceremonies.

  • Chapshuro

This item is like sandwich and the layer inside it is composed of chopped meat (beef, mutton or chicken) with onion, red chili, tomato, coriander and black pepper. You can take this item in the evening or afternoon. Just taste it, each bite will thrill you out.

  • Diram Fitti

Hard work needs energy and energy comes from healthy eating and Diram Fitti can give you that energy. This item is made up of sprouted wheat flour and is prepared almost in 5-6 hours. It is served with butter oil or walnut oil.

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