Quick Facts LocationCoordinatesCategoryStarting DateCompletation DateOrder to ConstructArchitecture StyleCovered areaStatusEndangered Site Lahore,Pakistan 31°35’13.32N 74°22’56.04EGarden1641 A.D. (1051 A.H.)1642 A.D. (1052 A.H.)Shah JahanPersian gardens Style 658m north to south and 258m...
Quick Facts Other Name Location CoordinatesFaithCategoryStarted DateCompleted DateOrder to ConstructStatusArchitecture StyleCovered areaDome(s) Jama Masjid Thatta,Shahjahani Mosque,Badshahi Mosque ThattaThatta, Pakistan24°44′49.62″N 67°55′40.08″EIslamMosque1644 A.D.1647 A.D.Mughal emperor Shah JahanActiveIslamic,...
Writers/Bloggers are invited for Telling Pakistan’s Story to the World The glass is always half full. AikQaum is a platform showing the positive side of Pakistan...
LocationCoordinates StatusTypeConstruction startedCompletedHeightArchitect(s)Structural engineer Contractor Lahore, Pakistan31° 35′ 33″ N, 74° 18′ 34.2″ ENational Tower of PakistanPublic monument19601968Roof 62 metres (203 ft)Naseer-ud-din Murat KhanAbdur Rehman Khan NiaziMian...
The 146th birth anniversary of national poet, Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal is being observed with national fervor on Thursday. The Philosopher poet known as Poet of...
Fourteen soldiers embraced shahadat when two vehicles of security forces moving from Pasni to Ormara in Gwadar were ambushed by terrorists on Friday. ...
(APP): Pakistan has called on UN Human Rights Council to address the massive rights violations taking place in situations of foreign occupation and intervention, highlighting the...